Active Motif | ChIP-Bis-Seq


Active Motif’s ChIP-Bisulfite-Sequencing (ChIP-Bis-Seq) Kit combines the target-specific selection of chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) with bisulfite conversion and sequencing (Bis-Seq) to provide single nucleotide resolution of immunoprecipitated DNA. By combining the two techniques, information about both the chromatin context and the methylation profiles of each DNA strand can be evaluated, enabling better understanding of the biological context and significance regarding gene regulation, gene expression, mechanisms of chromatin modification and pathway analysis.

The ChIP-Bis-Seq Kit provides a complete and validated workflow that includes chromatin preparation and immunoprecipitation reagents, methylated adapters, sequencing library reagents and bisulfite conversion components. The ChIP-Bis-Seq Kit is compatible with Illumina® sequencing platforms.

Brand: Active Motif
Categories: Antibodies, Media, Kits and Other Reagents, Assay and Extraction Kits


ChIP-Bis-Seq Advantages

  • Directly interrogate both chromatin and DNA methylation profiles on the same sample with higher resolution than either ChIP or bisulfite sequencing alone
  • Evaluate allele-specific differences in DNA (imprinting, X-inactivation)
  • Method works with histone and transcription factor antibodies
  • Optimized ChIP reagents reduce background caused by non-specific binding and provide higher quality DNA for analysis
  • Reduce sequencing costs by focusing on specific genomic regions of interest
  • Save time and money by using our already validated ChIP-Bis-Seq workflow

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